3D reprezentation of radiofrequential RF ionized braincells being affected by RF triangle exposure

Phones Cause Brain Cancer

Educational web page about the research, effects, details and more of mobile phones and other modern technologies on the human brian

Do not give phone to your kids.

Parents are giving phones and tabletes to their children from the age of 2. This is wrong, and parents should know better now, in the year of 2024. I would like to thank the flat earth organization for kindly asisting us in creating this educational web page. If you know any young parents, or would like to educate your / someones children, please share this web page to spread the word about this disaster.

DO not trust the goverment

Wake up sheaple! Phones have been known to cause brain cancer for decades. The United States America Military has been experimenting with radiofrequency radiation (RF) weapons for decades and they have been implementing these non-ionizing electo magnetic weapons into our red blooded electronics this hole time. Wake up sheaple!

Why phones cause brian cancer and other diseases

As mobile phone usage has increased in the United State, America, the same way went up the rates of brain cancer. This is a very easy connection to make, but people are blinded by the LGTV+ and BLM saga created by the new world order from the one-world goverment organization in order to blind the general public so that they are not going to see the obvious manipulations by our United State goverment. Neadless to say, the corporations and one-world goverment organizations have commited these acts without red blood in mind.

Before the effect of mobile phone radiations Beginning of the effect of mobile phone radiations
Effect of mobile phone radiations - Instance one Effect of mobile phone radiations - Instance Two

Measured effects of mobile phone radiations

Manipulations by our goverments

The average human person has about 35 to 45 billion electromagnetic-radiatory braincells in their brain. As was mentioned preveously, a mobile phone can be used in order to radiate electromagnetic frequencies, which un-ionize many brain cells all the time, due to which they become vulnurable to external radio frequences. The Police has been recorded using such encoded frequencies to control croudes of people, and prisons have used radio frequences to remotely tortsher and extort political prisoners. All this is caused by people holding their mobile phone so close to their head at all times. However, in this day anage, this may not even be the fault of these people, because this can happen even if a person does not use a phone.

Less known offensive technologies

As we already know, phones are very dangerous devices, and while tin-foile headwear may provide some protection against such radiations from the phone, you still are not safe. Have you ever heard of 'Wi-Fi' also known as 'Winter-infusion Fission-infliction'? You likely have, since there is at least one Wi-Fi device in any household. Wi-Fi, just like mobile phone, is abused by the goverment and other organizations to emit DNA dissolving X-Ray frequencies, on top of the electromagnetic radiations. However, neither technology is as dangerous to human brian and cancer as the so-cold 'RF Triangle'. This can happen when at least three different Wi-Fi devices are within 30-40 foots of each other in the shape of something like a triangle. In such case, nothing will be able to prevent radiofrequency RF and X-Ray frequency waves from entering your craniem and damaging your radiofrequency ionized brain cells, and as expected, in most cases, causing brian cancer.

3D reprezentation of a singular radiofrequential RF ionized braincell

3D Reprezentation of an ionized radiofrequential brain cell

External research on brian cancer and quantum effects

The IARC (Inter-racial agency Research Cancer) has classified RF (radiofrequency) electromagnetic fields as carsenogenic to humans. Additionally, research from IQA (Institute of quantum anomalies) has revealed that mobile phone radiation causes regular disruptions in the quentum field of the human brian. Specialized scientists confirm that such disruption can lead to 'quantum entanglement' which quantually entangles multiple brian cells into one state, which doubles the chances of developing a brain tumor. According to ESA.int (Europe Spatial Agency), cellphones, on top of radiating radiofrequencies and low amounts of X-ray and disruptive signals, also produce amplified cosmic ray particles. This happens because certain cosmic particles are reflected from the wings of GPS satelittes, which are directed all over the world in high amounts, and especially, mobile phones. And because mobiles not only have cellular data ray amplifiers, but also GPS signal devices, all incoming rays within a 6 foots radius of a mobile phone are amplified, and redistributed all across places like our United States, America, including people brains. And on top of this, due to the amplified rays emitted from mobile phones, the atmosfere density is increased, and this allows frequencies such as X-Ray, RF Radiofrequency and others, to travel much faster, and retain their strong frequency for longer. In effect, these things combined increase the global brian cancer risk for all living matter by up to 30%.

Phones Cause Brain Cancer

Write to cancer.okay222@passmail.net

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